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Warehousing and Transit

Warehousing and Transit

Customs duties of goods subject to foreign trade and payment of funds is kept in warehouses under customs regime that allows the control of the customs authorities. Duration of goods under the customs warehousing procedure is unlimited. However, customs administrations in cases deemed necessary, approved by the customs for goods set a time limit for the appointment of a new process or use. goods held under the customs warehousing regime to be recorded by the operator at the time when they are brought into the customs warehouse. warehouse records of all the goods in the warehouse are not operated by the customs authorities are kept by the operator. goods held under the customs warehousing regime, temporarily removed from the customs warehouse, provided the permission of the customs authorities.

Import duties and trade policy measures were not in free circulation are not subject to the relevant customs procedures or exports of finished goods under customs supervision within the customs territory of Turkey is moving from one point to another. This kind of stuff; through a point in the customs territory of Turkey, foreign in a foreign country to country, foreign from one country to Turkey, from a foreign country, to move to an interior customs administrations from a domestic customs administrations with transit regime; transit declaration, TIR carnet, ATA Carnet, CIM Transport document can be made under or through the mail.